Saturday, June 5, 2010

Media Mayhem Comes To An End!

Thank you, one and all, for a great year in Media Arts. Feel free to post a comment on this final blog entry over the summer to clue me in on any 'media arts' sightings you stumble upon during your travels!!

Good luck on those pesky final exams. I'll see you 'round campus next year!

-Mr. Hoban

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Media and Folded Fury By Alex Vukasin

Hi this is Alex V. in case anyone was wondering and I have posted this comment on a very important topic, our first project of the year, the mangling media designs. It has come to my attention recently that Mr. Hoban has admitted to not having a clue to what my art piece was about. This is where you, the intelligent student, come into the picture. embedded below is a 20 second long clip showing my media pyramid in action. 1. Your job is to look at this clip as many times as you need to, and write about what you think the pyramid represents. There are no wrong answers, just stupid ones. However, my pyramid has recently become incomplete. 2. Using what you have learned from the brief clip below, decide what you think should be on the top of my pyramid and explain why.

Also, I would like to congratulate everyone on a successful film festival. One very important part of that festival and also our media arts year was Stephen J. Shanabrook folding art. An important topic also arises from this. Why can't I sell my folding art for millions of dollars? What is the difference between what he does and what I do? What makes his crumpled up faces art, and what makes mine just another class project? Based on what we have talked about in class, I would like you to come up with logical answers to explain my many questions. Below the pyramid video there are two pics the one on the right is mine and the one on the left is Stephen Moneybags Shanabrook's. write about any key differences if any between my folded art and his.

Media Pyramid:

Alex Vukasin:

Stephen J. Shanabrook: