Monday, February 22, 2010

Trolling For Comments...

Anyone and everyone should write about their record/album cover project ideas here. List any materials you may need some assistance in getting. Also, don't forget to visit It's a great place for random web sites to inspire you!

Here's another cool site: (the weblog that never sleeps.) Great examples of amazing works of art!!

-Mr. Hoban


  1. I forgot to add: bring in your 33 1/3 Ok Computer book to tomorrow's class.

  2. Ok Mr. Hoban, today I stopped by Princeton record exchange and picked up a few materials from there and my house for my project. My idea is to get 4 records as a base and glue them all together to make a square shape and then place a single elevated record in the center that spins by a motor. Around the records I will but pictures of so called "ripping on the new media". Tomorrow for class it would be great if you could provide a heat gun and hot glue gun. If you happen to have a small motor then that would be great but if not I can find one myself, Thanks.

  3. Sorry I forgot to mention one other thing... I also will need a sharp exacto knife or scaple. Thanks again:)

  4. okay . so i want to do the "target" with the 33 1/3 album, 45 album, and a CD. and i liked your idea with the levitating the albums with string in the middle of a CD holder?
    so i guess i need 2 of each record/CD, string, and a CD holder.

  5. I'm gonna make a collage of different size bike photos (races, parts..). These will be covered with a clear coating to make it look like one piece. Then in the center, or kinda off center, I'm gonna put the record cover that bicycle races, the song my project is based off of, is on. Then slightly overlapping that will be a record. The record isn't the one that goes with the cover cause the record store didn't have the record to go along with the sleeve. So I'll be using a Greatest Hits record that also has bicycle races on it. The record will then be made into a clock. To make the clock go with the theme of the project a bicycle will be attached to the seconds hand. I picked to make the record into a clock because clocks are cool and I thought it'd be a fun way to mess with a record.

    Supplies: I got mostly everything but glue, scissors, and I'll need to put down newspaper when I clear coat it so that I don't end up clear coating your table.

  6. I am going to need different colored paint, I will beable to bring in the vinyls either tuesday or wednesday, and I have stuff to break them with

  7. Thank you to those of you who posted you project progress. Everyone else, please be specific with your ideas and materials you are bringing and/or need to be acquire for you.

    -Mr. Hoban

  8. Hello. My idea is to emphasize the importance of word in songs. I will try to do this by making the words/lyrics of songs and make them pop out of the record. I will need a hot glue gun and I should be able to get the rest of my supplies.

  9. I'm not completely sure about what I'm going to do yet but I was thinking something with the album cover I brought in that is a picture of a town. I was thinking I could cut out different pictures are make a collage or something. SO I would need a hot glue gun and scissors.

  10. I have two ideas: 1. I was going to make a visual path of many albums put together. This would have a figure or person lokking or moving to one direction on the album. Then the visual pattern will continue to grow and split off in different directions on a certain album. I would like to have the "trail" end on the same album it started on( almost like a cycle ).

    2. For this idea, i was goiung to make a cd sculpture on one extended cd holder that you held up in class. Between some cds would be space so that you can see the cd name and band. I would then also put a figure of one of the members of that band in the space on the cd. I would ened the sculpture with a larger figure Jimi Hendrix on the top.

    For supplies i might need tape, a hot glue gun, and any extra cds or figures that you will be willing to sacrifice.

  11. i will also need tape and a punch holer.

  12. I am going to make a huge record and break the records I bought, glue them back like a puzzle piece on the record I create. Then I am going to pick a song that the Greatful Dead sings and right the lyrics around the record

    I will need a black poster board, crazy glue, and silver sharpey

  13. I apoligize for posting my comment under the wrong blog entry. I forgot to mention that I verified my idea off the internet.

  14. I decided to use CDs for my project. There is a cool rainbow effect on the back of CDs. I would like take advantage of the way the light hits the back of the CDs. I will put the CDs together using a hot glue gun. Afterwards, I will take a moderately long string and put it through the middle of one of the CDs. Then while presenting my project I will I will use the string to move the CDs and make the rainbow effect look awesome. The Media Arts room has the perfect light for my project.

  15. For the project I decided to work with DD. Everything that she says is what we are doing. To add to the rainbow effect, I think it would help if we were to shine a flashlight onto the disk.

  16. I will cut out pictures of different things from different albums and put them together in a 3D way on the vinyl disk. The goal is to tell a completely original story from the original albums.

  17. Mike and I are collauging different album art onto a single record. We used the record as the base and left the center viable. We then cut up different parts of the album covers and placed them around the record so that the different pictures came together on one record to make a new interesting piece of art. Using both the record and the album covers incorrporates the visual aspect of and the physical piece that plays the music.

  18. I have a box with an album outside of it. It's bright and spinny. I dunno. Oh, and Robert says hi.
