Friday, April 30, 2010

No Need for 3D Glasses!

Media Arts Students:

The weekend's homework assignment is to post links/find pictures to support what Mr. Bush speaks about in his interview segments. PLEASE POST YOUR FINDINGS IN THE COMMENT SECTION OF THE PREVIOUS POST. NOT HERE!!!

This post is an 'enrichment experience', if you will. Check out this VERY amazing 3D tour of Picasso's "Guernica". You may post any feelings/findings you have regarding "Guernica" on this blog entry.

-Mr. Hoban

Research Assignment (Part 2): Find the Visuals That Match the Words

Search the Internet for sites that help in your understanding of the terms/places/etc. that Mr. Bush mentions in this interview. Find LARGE (500 x 400 or bigger) images on the web of these relevant visuals. Copy and paste the web address source of each picture in the comments of this blog post.

Get to it!!

-Mr. Hoban

Mr. David Bush Interview from Marty Hoban on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Research Assignment: Find the Visuals That Match the Words

View this video clip of Mr. O'Brien's interview. Listen to his stories about his time spent in Vietnam during the war and his thoughts on the Kent State Shootings. As you watch, take notes on key 'visuals' he refers to. For example, Mr. O'Brien talks about his duties "in the jungle on the Cambodian border." He also mentions names of newspapers, company battalions, something about peace talks, some sort of trail that's important and a whole host of other visuals. Search the Internet for sites that help in your understanding of these terms/places/etc...AND: find LARGE (500 x 400 or bigger) images on the web of these relevant visuals Mr. O'Brien mentions. Copy and paste the web address source of each picture in the comments of this blog post.

Get to it!!

-Mr. Hoban

Mr. Charles O'Brien Interview from Marty Hoban on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Swear, I thought this was Guns!!!

This coulda been you Nick Guns!! But hey...maybe it still can be!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Writers Write...

Get those lyrics, beats, whatevers down in your comments.

-Mr. Hoban

Monday, April 12, 2010

WOWEEE!! (I'm going to have to wash my ears out with soap!")

Dear Media Arts Students:

From Section 2's discussion today, I'd like everyone to post a link to a favorite "protest song" that's on the web. Now, please be careful!! One song that was suggested to me: Freedom of Speech by Immortal Technique, though artfully done and entertaining to listen to, should not be considered material that is OK to post on this blog. Simply put, the nature of the material and language used can be considered offensive. it safe, shall we?! Post away...and keep it clean!!

Also, each student in the Media Arts class will need to interview, on camera, one adult that was around and remembers, the Kent State Shootings. I'll talk more about this in tomorrow's classes, but I wanted to let you know now, so that you can start thinking about who you will interview.

-Mr. Hoban

Saturday, April 10, 2010

4th Marking Period Assignment: Research Multi-Media Project


1. Take a classic rock song, in this case CSN&Y's "Ohio", and learn everything there is to know about this song including:
a) its creation
b) the meaning behind the music
c) its place in the panoply of protest music
d) understanding its modern day relevance

2. Based on this research and your general understanding of the significance of this song, consider creating a multi-media project based around this exploration that will then be presented in a culminating performance/presentation at this year's video festival.

Below is a laundry list (in order of appearance in the comment section) of relevant words related to the song "Ohio", found by those students who posted comments to this blog:

Kent State, May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guard, student protest, Cambodia, Nixon, anti-war, anti-Nixon, Neil Young, Vietnam War, draft lottery, killing 4 injuring 9, CSN&Y, AM radio stations, underground FM stations, Allison Krause, William Schroeder, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer

In just over three weeks, Kent State University will be observing the 40th Anniversary of the shootings on its campus. We will continue our exploration of the this topic as well as go in directions you would like to head in creating your multi-media project. What are you going to do toward this assignment this weekend? What other information is out there on the web? Post what you find in the comments.

See you all on Monday.

-Mr. Hoban

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gotta Get Down To It...

Media Arts Students:

Tonight's homework, as we continue our early explorations of the incident at Kent State Universtiy some forty years ago, is to listen to the words of then student photojournalist John Filo. Mr. Filo snapped one of the most recognizable photographs in modern day journalism, minutes after the shootings at Kent State University on May 4, 1970. Read the information on this web site and listen to Mr. Filo himself as he retells the events that lead to what some have called the "Kent State Massacre."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different:

Based on today's class discussions and questions generated, begin your research. Be prepared to support your findings.

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Confounding Machines: How the Future Looked"

The article I handed out to read over the long weekend is from The New York Times' Ideas & Trends section, circa 2005. The author of the article begins the investigation into the role that the "bigs" in technology (radio, film, tv and now the Internet) play in human understanding/communication/evolution (perhaps).

Quoted in the article is a very interesting (at least to me...and so to you as well!!) passage by Kevin Kelly, editor of Wired magazine. Check out his own story from the August 2005 issue of Wired to understand where we were (the human race) at the cusp of the "Internet Revolution" back in 1995. Some nice perspective is provided in how we got to where we are today in this reading. Click on the link below...

-Mr. Hoban

We Are the Web by Kevin Kelly