Friday, April 30, 2010

No Need for 3D Glasses!

Media Arts Students:

The weekend's homework assignment is to post links/find pictures to support what Mr. Bush speaks about in his interview segments. PLEASE POST YOUR FINDINGS IN THE COMMENT SECTION OF THE PREVIOUS POST. NOT HERE!!!

This post is an 'enrichment experience', if you will. Check out this VERY amazing 3D tour of Picasso's "Guernica". You may post any feelings/findings you have regarding "Guernica" on this blog entry.

-Mr. Hoban


  1. I like this video of the 3-D experience of Picasso's painting. I like the way that the picture is brought in and out of contrast with the 3-D effect as well so that it is possible to examine the meanings of the picture, part by part. Not sure how this relates to our Ohio project but ill take it.

  2. This is pretty cool. Sometimes it is hard to clearly see all the parts but this gives you a full tour of the painting.

  3. First of all, I like how the video shows each part of the painting to really show you what is actually happening. It shows some parts that I overlooked when I first saw the painting. Second of all(directed towards Alex Shay), this relates to our Ohio project because it's an example of how an artist reacts to a tradgedy in their own form of art. Neil Young reacted to the Kent State Shootings through song while Picasso reacted to the devastation through painting.

