Wednesday, April 7, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different:

Based on today's class discussions and questions generated, begin your research. Be prepared to support your findings.

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.


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  2. Random Research I Found...

    1. The song was made after the "Kent State Massacre" in Ohio which took place on May fourth and killed four students.

    2. They were shot by the Ohio National Guard.

    3. The students shot were either protesting or passing by the protest. The protest was against the American invasion of Cambodia which president Nixon had recently announced.

    4. The song became very popular but got banned from some parts of the county because of the anti-war and anti-Nixon message.

    5. Neil Young was one of the most "open" song writers during this time. By this I mean that no matter what he was feeling he put it into a song and didn't hold back.

    Most of this came from the following link. There is some more on the page but I picked out what I thought was important.

  3. Richard Nixon's campaign was supported by the thought that he would end the Vietnam War. In truth, he delayed the withdrawal of troops with the invasion of Cambodia. The government began a draft lottery, the first since World War II. Young people were afraid that they would get drafted into the war. The students at Kent State were simply protesting. The Ohio National Guard came to control the protests which had turned into a riot (buildings on fire and other chaos). This is when the Ohio National Guard opened fire, killing 4 and injuring 9 more. The song "Ohio", written by Neil Young and recorded as Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young on May 15, 1970, was banned from the AM stations for its obvious anti-Nixon lyrics. Still, the song was played on underground FM stations and receives airplay on classic rock stations and satellite radio

    In relation to the song I'm posting three links:



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  5. It was during the Nixon presidency when the shootings occurred and during the shootings 4 were killed and nine were wounded. Also, the song is called "Ohio by Neil Young and the setting of the album cover of the piece depicts a scene with a dead person on the ground with a lady screaming right above him. The song was created in May fourth, 1970. The song was banned in many states for being anti war and anti nixon. The four killed were Allison Krause, William Schroeder, Jefferey Miller, and Sandra Scheuer.

  6. Like all of the posts above me said, there was a massacre where four Ohio students were shot by the national guard. This of course was due to rapid protesting and when things got out of control, the national guards open fired. The song we listened to in class today "Ohio" by Neil Young was almost verbatim to the incident at Kent State. I think the song itself is like the songs that were recently made for Haiti, they are so people would remember the accident that happened and mourn.

  7. This is one of those hippie songs in that era. The more obvious things are said above, so I'll try to explain the other parts.

    "Gotta get down to it
    Soldiers are cutting us down"
    This refers to the war depleting the country's funds and cutting other programs.

    "Should have been done long ago."
    This refers to Nixon's promise to end the war and his failure to do so. He ran for president promising to end it.

    "What if you knew her
    And found her dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?"
    I'm not sure about this, but it probably refers to the cruelty of war, and the necessity for everyone to try to end it, not just those involved.

  8. The Four dead in Ohio refer to the four people that died after the Kent State Shooting in May 1970 (People: Allison, William, Jeffery, and Sandra). The people were shot no more then 360 feet away.
    There is a picture showing one of the students over the body.

  9. Ohio: Written by Neil Young on May 4 1970. It was written to commemorate the Kent State shooting and to reference the corruption of the government run by president Nixon. Neil wrote the song after viewing pictures of the incident in a Life magazine. The shooting killed four students and injured a total of nine( four dead in ohio). The lyrics, "tin soldiers and Nixon coming, we're finally on our own", suggest that Nixon and the soldiers are against us, students, or citizens in general. Young could have used tin to describe the soldiers a few ways. First, the gas masks they wore could have been referanced, or young compares the soilders to robots. The robots, being connotated, do not "feel" and just follow orders. This robot connection can further describe the soldiers as inhumane just like their actions.

    Video Festival: We could make a big frame to surround the screen in the auditorium. It can be made from pieces of media( records, cds, newpapers, etc.).

  10. Neil Young wrote this song after the Kent State Massacre.
    this massacre took place on May 4, 1970
    the Nixon and soldier comments in the lyrics referred to Niel's opposition of war after hearing about the shooting.
    the four people that were shot were 2 girls: Allison Krause who was 19 and Sandra Scheuer who was 20 and 2 males: William Schroeder who was 19 and Jeffrey Miller who was 20.
    Niel Young was believed to have been apart of 2 musical groups:Buffalo Springfield and the other had no given name.
    The massacre was a discussion of how innocent people felt about the Americans being in Vietnam. They discussion turned to a heated argument and the national guard fired into the crowd.
    Niel Young was said to be very headstrong as he bravely put president Nixon's name in his song.
    This wasn't the only song about anti-war that Nixon put out.
    also. on the 45 rpm record, it is not just Niel solo on the record others such as David Crosby and members from his first group featured as well.

  11. my link was

    thrashers wheat was the name of the album that the song "Ohio" was on

  12. Obviously the song references to the campus shooting at Kent State that led to the unnecessary murder of 4 different people, and the reaction to this event. In terms of the song itself, it has a lot of historical value when put into context, like a lot of other songs. It is possible that the project has to do with direct meanings from different songs, and our interpretations.

    -may 4th
    -at kent state
    -4 people were killed 9 wounded
    -29 of the 77 national gaurds said to have fired their weapons
    -67 shots were fired and 12 24 pm
    -Jeffrey Glenn Miller; 20, 265 ft (81 m) shot through the mouth,Allison B. Krause; 19, 343 ft (105 m) fatal left chest wound,William Knox Schroeder; 19, 382 ft (116 m) fatal chest wound,Sandra Lee Scheuer; 20, 390 ft (120 m) fatal neck wound
