Monday, April 19, 2010

Writers Write...

Get those lyrics, beats, whatevers down in your comments.

-Mr. Hoban


  1. Today Ryan and I were experimenting on the isoundtrack system. We were making one background beat that we might add lyrics to later. We used two computers, one to use as a final project and the other one for experimenting sounds. Today we came up with a great beginning and I came in during 4th period today to work on it some more. I think we have a great start and it will be a great mix of Ohio and background sounds.

  2. I liked the idea of mixing two songs on the dj thing Lauren has on her computer. I thought the fire siren sounded cool, with the song following it. Writing new lyrics to Ohio would be cool too.

  3. My Lyrics:
    4 down, 4 gone, 4 dead in Ohio,
    13 shot like the pictures from John Filo,

    Incomparable damage, unbelievable hysteria,
    Uncle Sam, how could this happen in America?

    They dropped like eyelids, and when it was all over,
    They could only hope that they would have something to hope for.

    Their hopes were the cries of fate's doomed victims
    They could only hope that their message got to Nixon,

    Did they have to take lives, young youthful eyes,
    For thousounds of US soldiers to survive?

    Did they have to shoot 4 young minds, and and only leave 9,
    I wish I could go back and time and let them take mine.

    The guard shot from afar like venus and mars,
    Planets and stars, and left indelible scars

    What if you knew her with a bullet in her chest,
    About 100+ meters from where the guard's gun rests.

    How did this start as a protest,
    How did students end the day lifeless,

    I wish I could give those youth a bulletproof vest,
    And hide them from the bullets of the our armed guests.

    I wish the war was waning way in the country overseas,
    Because if the war was won the troops would be with you and me,

    Soldiers are cutting us down, so get down to it,
    When it come to love, like Nike, just do it.

  4. i like Ryan's lyrics ! and i think looping the intro or something to Ohio would be good unless we find a instrumental that can mix with another instrumental?

  5. college students speakin they minds
    led to to protests and killings that i didn't think were very kind
    unjustified acts
    police hit with bats
    how people react...can change a whole situation
    and now you got me here writing like its a dissertation
    a misinterpretation is the sugar coated way of explainin the reason why the gaurd pulled the trigger
    meanwhile mr filo takes a picture
    captured the whole moment
    yeah that ROTC buildin the students done blown it...up
    cuz speeches were given
    determinations driven
    why the guard go on and shoot and take the lives of the livin'
    a killin' ended wit 4 people down
    to sum it up you got mary vecchio kneelin' over a body on the ground
    it disrupt the whole town
    disrupt the whole entire nation
    all because of college kids not likin' the place in which US was
    on the ground was US blood
    US and us
    us in a predicament
    through this song i could care less about noddin heads
    i want spirits to lift
    cuz families are left alone with a daughter and son to kiss
    all they have is a memorial tomb
    an un-healing wound
    and i guess people were right when they said they were doomed
    this ain't a protest song
    im not hatin' on nixon
    its just time we reflect cus theres no time for fixin
    cus it US vs US on US soil
    then trivial emotions grew higher than the prices on US oil
    reasons continue to coil like Jackie
    it happened in Ohio but I ten-ne-see things and it makes some people happy
    that i have a different view
    this song is for you, you, you , you , you and you
    dont try to memorize my lines listen to what im trying to do
    listen to what im trying to say
    cus this song is something you'll remember not only tomorrow but today

  6. Ryan's and Isaiah's lyrics are very good. I think Ryan's lyrics would be a little easier to mix with Ohio, though, because some of Ryan's lyrics have some of the same words as Ohio and they all direct specifically to things that happened on the day of The Kent State Massacre.

    I'd submit lyrics, but I don't know how I'd pull off better lyrics than Ryan's or Isaiah's lyrics.

  7. Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work. bulleya lyrics
