Monday, March 29, 2010

Exhibit Signage Assignment

From our discussion in today's class, come up with an appropriate (and catchy) title for last week's in-class assignment. I am being elusive in not mentioning the activity by name, for fear that any suggestion of what we did last week will alter your choice of words when titling the exhibit. Then--after considering everything you did, you read, and you wrote--clearly state the objective of this assignment in as few 'choice' words as possible. (It's up to you to define what I mean by 'few'. If you can't say it in less than 100 words...fine. If six is too many, so be it.)

To help you out, here is how defines 'objective', when used in this context:

-something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish;
purpose; goal; target: the objective of a military attack; the objective of a
fund-raising drive.

As always, do your writing in the comment section of this blog.

ALSO, for tomorrow, bring all your media surveys to class.

Thank you.

Mr. Hoban

p.s. From today's screening of the documentary Hi-8 1/2, many of you asked me about one of the student movies highlighted in the doc. If you're interested (and you have an hour and fifteen minutes to spare) you can watch the entire movie Prank online (in 8 parts). Here's Part One, below. This is not, I repeat, NOT required viewing.

"Prank" Part 1 of 8 from Marty Hoban on Vimeo.


  1. My title : Magazine Mayhem

    Objective: Taking a magazine page and changing the faces in them to make an unusual sense of beauty. By making precise folds, the face should be distorted like Shanabrook's "Paper Surgery".

  2. Title Options: Finding the Folding Beauty, Paper Caper, The Folding Edge.

    Objective: Mend a character(mainly face) to distort the image so it becomes a unique, abstract, and puzzling image that still represents the hidden beauty of the face.

  3. Title Ideas: magazine mangling, folding frenzy

    Objective: Take a picture of of a magazine with a face and fold it to change what the view sees in the image.

  4. Title: Reliving the life of Picasso ... in camcorders!

    Objective: 1. To understand a contemporary media art and its roots by reproducing it ourselves and to discover Picasso's mindset by analyzing our own in the recorded videos.

  5. Title: Distinct Distortions

    Objective: to fold a picture of a person or people from a magazine and make it so that you cannot tell who the person is.

  6. Title: Paper Portraits

    Objective: Folding faces to find the hidden beauty underneath a beauty

  7. Title: Ready, Set, Fold!

    Objective: The idea of ready, set, fold is that it is like a race(ready, set, go). Only we take our time. The idea of the race is that like folding the picture. You only have one chance to do it right and if the picture becomes an askewed portrate of the origional face, then you succeede! Besides, I must be different because all of the comments above me are all alliterations.

  8. Title : Media mixing magazine miscellaeous art


    Reconstructing Media in the artist's point of view.

  9. Good going, thus far mein kinder.

    Perhaps we need to have a spirited debate in tomorrow's class as to which verbiage is victorious.

    Any other media artists willing to contribute?

    -Mr. Hoban

  10. Title : 1. Confusion Illusions
    2. Askew You
    3. Face Misplaced

    Objective :

    take pride in your flaws( meaning: dont treat your flaws as if they where ugly things) the broken things could be beautiful too

  11. Title of options: Picture Perfect, Fascinating Faces, Baneful Beauty, Article Art

    Objective: To alter pictures in varying, unexpected ways to find an different perception of beauty in the final product.

  12. Title: Mangled Magazines

    Objective: The objective of this project was to distort images of "pretty" people that appear in magazines ads and create an art of our own form with that same image, and to show the ad in a manner that it was not originally intended for.

  13. I finally got on!

    Title: Picasso's puzzle

    Objective: The objective of this project was to change up the way a face would typically look in a magazine and distort it.

  14. Title: Picasso's puzzle

    Objective: The objective of this project was to distort faces in magazines but not enough to not know what it originally was.

  15. My title: Picasso's Puzzle

    Objective: distort magazine faces, but without destroying the original face.

  16. Title:Mag-igami (as in play on words of origami)
    Mystic Mag Designs
    Magazine Montage
    objective:creative distortions to rearrange the faces seen on magazine faces
