Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Am But Mad North-Northwest!!

It's been a mad crazy week leading up to The Hun School's spring break! Whew. Lots of last minute student work always makes for a frenetic, fast-paced finish. While the students completed all of their assignments (to be highlighted in my next blog post), I played hookie during one 6th period class to help out Mr. Tim Pitts with a special presentation/lecture on one of my all-time favorite topics: Mr. Alfred Hitchcock. Mr. Pitts's American Art History class had just watched North By Northwest (my top Hitch flic, as many former video students can attest to.) He asked for an assist, so I brought along an old powerpoint presentation on the 'Master of Suspense' as well as two pre-cinematic devices to mix up the movie magic moments.

This is a pop-up book called "Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense" featuring climactic scenes from his cinematic work that literally jump off the page!!

Unfortunately this book does not feature my most favorite of Hitchcock scenes, so we need to resort to another pre-cinema distribution method: the flipbook. Enjoy!

Run, Roger Run!!


  1. haha i like the second video with him running, but the first one was kind of violent !

  2. hahaha I agree with Janine!!!....have a good break everyone!!

  3. Cool flipbook video. I wonder who helped you make that video. Maybe that person should get Ex.Credit for helping out. Huh?
