Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So Tell Me...

...what did you do in class today? Provide many, many details.

-Mr. Hoban


  1. umm. lets say we had one of the most enjoyable classes with mr. bogad!

  2. we tried to research on your computers i tried EVERY SINGLE ONE and only your main computer had internet. Then i stated searching you tube for clips on Kent state... and Firefox continually shut down and it proved to be an indomitable force that i could not pacify. My antipathy with the computer ended as the bell wrung.

  3. Well we started off sitting at the table like we normally do. Then Mr. Bogad walked in and said since he doesn't know any of us he had to take attendance and for us to say "here" when our name is called. He said he was proud of Mr. Hoban for not forgetting any of us on the list. After he read us what you wrote under each of our printed out facebook(..i mean "student directory") pictures which we found creepy of you to do. He then asked us what we do in the class. After that it became a very entertaining class with Mr. Bogad.

  4. We should have Mr. Bogad come to visit more often. He really engages you in the conversation and gets you involved with everyone else. He also has an exuberant personality with a great sense of humor.

  5. Mr. Bogad arrived slightly late in class today. He began by taking attendenceand reading off the descriptions you made of us as julia mentioned. Mr. Bogad then asked us what we were doing in this class and what each person's own project or job was. We told him that we would add our projects to the video festival. We all tried to make connections to the work we did in this class but found few. Mr. Bogad and the rest of us soon found ourselves off topic for the rest of the period.

  6. Mr. Bogad was cool. We just tslked about random stuff for the period.

  7. During " class" today I saw a peculiar video starring Mr. Hoban in a little game I like to call catch the criminal. Mr. Hoban interrogated a class that had recently taken all of the light bulbs out of the ceiling ( not very hard to miss. Mr. Hoban had already known of what had happened and it was very funny watching the sullen looks and dread filled faces flicker about the screen. I learned that many media sources produce the same facts everyday, but each source portrays the info differently, like the students when Mr.Hoban asked the question " What Happened?"

  8. Mr. Hoban can we watch that video too? It seems better to watch than to star in.

  9. Julia--next week sometime, but it doesn't necessarily have to happen during class time!
