Thursday, May 13, 2010

Three Topics: Technology, Hockey, and Pranks (Guest Blogger Alex Vukasin)

Today, I have written this post to show you media changes over time, 2.which video is the funniest,and 3.the techniques used to sell magazines. The technology of media is very different from 20 years ago. A GREAT example of this is hockey interviews.

The first video (below) is one of the greats of hockey, a former Red Wing named Brett Hull. The second video is of rising hockey star Sidney Crosby (of the Penguins who just lost to the Canadians... HA!) Your assignment today is to watch both interviews and comment on the key differences in quality between the two media clips. After that, list media technologies that have improved over the course of many years.

Secondly, watch the third video and ask yourself which was the funniest-- the class taking the lights out video, or Mr. Hoban's prank video or the one I posted below. Explain why. (there is a reason for this).

My third and final question is about what draws the attention of the average joe (you) to watch a certain news channel or to read a certain newspaper. is it the graphics, setup,or just the info? also take a look at this New York Times newspaper article and this Celebrity magazine cover, which one looks more interessting to you?

Brett Hull Interview ( guy with the mullet):

Sidney Crosby and Marc-Andre Fleury Interview( Marc is the first guy with the funny accent):

Funny prank video:


  1. The changes in interviews are clear in the videos. First, the old interview of Brett Hull is considerably longer than the other interviews of Crosby and Fleury. This adjustment was probably made to keep the audience focused. The longer the interview got, the less patience or interest an audience would have to watch it. Also there are more clips showing the highlights in the Crosby/ Fleury interview. This was also added to keep the audience interested and watching. Finally, the Fleury/ Crosby interviews had statistics of the player at the bottom of the screen during the interview. This gave the audience more of a backround of the player unlike the plain name subtitle in Brett Hull's interview.

    I believe that the prank video you posted is the funniest video. I think this is because I was not really expecting what would happen.

    The Star magazine is more eye catching to me. It draws my attention because of the large and multicolored words. The words really stick out on the page and they grab interest. Although, it is usually the content I look for to read, the magazine's front page stands out.

  2. I agree with Nick on these questions. I think eye catching media draws people towards it because it makes people stop what they're doing and focus on it even for a split second. That second could be enough to make many people want to read it. If something, like a magazine cover, just blended in many people would over look it not realizing it is even there.
