Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beware the First of March!!

To All Media Arts Students:

Tomorrow, March 1st--Quiz during 1st and 2nd periods. (What a way to wake up to the week before spring break!!)

Until then...

-Mr. Hoban


  1. Hello. I read the post and am commenting to tell you.

  2. I am using a Journey album and I am going to put blue LEDs in the eyes and forehead. On the back of the album is the Journey singers that are spinning around and look as if they are falling. In the background is the forehead of the alien from the front, so it makes me think that they were inside the alien and are skydiving out now. Here are the fronts and backs to the album.

    I am going to have the alien on the front and the Journey singers spinning on the back. I have the LEDs for the alien's eyes and forehead and on the back I have a fan that will make the Journey singers spin.

  3. Eddie--
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! for finally adding detail to your previous comment. Can't wait to see what you bring in TOMORROW!

    -Mr. Hoban
