Thursday, February 25, 2010

News Flash: Teacher Calls Out, But School's In Session!!

Dear Media Arts Students Who Came to School Today:

You are stronger than most! Even I was stymied by today's storm. Sorry I cannot be with you today. The good news is: no quiz! The bad news is: it'll come back to haunt you...probably on Monday, since tomorrow is up in the air as well. So, it's settled. The quiz is now officially moved to Monday March 1st (in like a lion!)

As I continued 'stumbling 'round' the web yesterday, I came upon this very cool web site: Make Something Cool Everyday. Outstanding words to live by for the creative types! The challenge is now out there. Can you make something cool everyday? Check out the site, particularly the photo labeled (on the bottom) "7/6/09: 5 Cuts". Totally up our collective alleys!!

For today's class (sans teacher): keep working on your individual creations.

-Mr. Hoban


  1. Are Katie and I allowed to use our rainbow idea? Or would you rather us use the pyramid shape?

  2. Make like Dorothy and go over the rainbow!!

  3. wow Mr. Hoban. Deanna and I are going to stick with the rainbow idea but instead of making it flat, we are going to build it up a little. We ran out of the CDs we were using so if you could get more that would be great.
    p.s. I'm incredibly disappointed that we will not be having class tomorrow. goodbye

  4. Mr. Hoban I did my project. I wasnt sure when it was due therefore I was in a rush to do it. I made 3 bowls and 4 coasters out of 33 1/3 and 45 RPM records.
