Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Put Another Record On!!

Word has it, we're having school tomorrow!! HAHAHA!!!

Anyway kiddles....Study up. Read up. Do whatever you need to do to prep for tomorrow's quiz. No biggie if you've been following along (and have checked in on the blog AND read the book!)

It was nice to FINALLY get started on the record project. I liked seeing all the activity in both classes. (Can you believe it? A certain student actually started doing something in class!! (I can't name names but suffice it to say, I was impressed with this particular student's output. Keep at know who you are!!))

I found some related links to today's proceeding. Thanks to Isaiah West for inspiring me to check out what's on the web with regard to vinyl art.

Check out "Record Recycling" and "How To Make a Record Bowl". If you do a search for "vinyl art" on Google images you'll see a plethora of plastic pop-art (?) possibilities!

Any other search possibilities? Share them with your classmates in your next comment.

Have a wonderfully snow-less evening!

-Mr. Hoban


  1. That's it, Harrison? That's all you have to say, huh? Tsk tsk...

  2. My favorite is the recycled records. It looks so cool! It also looks very useful. The price is not bad either. I think it would be awesome to have that in class. Although nobody can really say what things are intended for, usually a record is intended for listening to music. This person decided to manipulate the media in a totally different way. I actually like it. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that it involves food. I enjoy food very much. But this person used the record in a really cool way.

  3. Type the following into Google. '"vinyl record bowls" you will get some cool pictures.
