Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Did the Media Artist Do in Class Today?

Please write your detailed response in the comment space, answering the question above.

The last student to post their entry MUST comment on all of the preceeding ideas from your classmates.

Your comments must be received by 10 pm tonight.

Thank you.

Mr. Hoban


  1. When we came into class 10 minutes late due to Mr. Hoban's intense project, we observed him cut out the album artwork as the upside-down pallet spun on the record player. The pallet was made out of record, too. As Mr. Hoban was cutting out the album artwork, he whistled to the music that was being played on Serious XM radio. Boz Scaggs' album "Silk Degrees" was the album Mr. Hoban was cutting out. On the front of the album is Boz hunched over looking away from the woman near him with a smile. On the back, however, it is the same picture, but Boz is not there. Mr. Hoban thinks that the woman asked him to go to the other side of the bench and sit with her.

  2. Mr. Hoban decided to melt a vinyl record today in class. He created holes and a weird cone shaped peice that pertrudes out of the record. He previously melted a recod similarly to this one. That record was spinning on the record player in the middle of the room. Although it looked like just a peice of art, it was actually useful in that he put paint on the other side of the record. Any painter could easily use this to hold their paint.

  3. When i walked into class today there was a vinyl record in the center of the room with many weird shapes and looked like someone had put holes in it. Later the class found out that it was turned into a pait palet after Mr. Hoban turned the record over. Just as Deanna said,the record was usful for something other than to just play music. p.s. I'm not sure if you were kidding about the whole "If you write about Yu Yan you will get an A on this assignment." So just in case I would like to give a shoutout to Yu Yan.

  4. LOL Kate Sullivan!! Of course I wasn't kidding about the need to write about Yu Yan. However, I will not give an "A" just for mentioning this upstanding citizen's name!!! (The nerve of some students! tsk. tsk.)

    More importantly...thank you and to Deanna and to Eddy for getting your homework done before the school day ended. Kudos! You are free to peruse your fellow classmates posts as they enter them with the remaining time in the the day.

    A couple points:

    1. After writing a comment, re-read your post over a few times before hitting the "send" button. Look for spelling errors (and check ones that you're not sure about!)as well as opportunities to re-word a passage that can be written a little better.

    2. Eddy: I had no idea (with the different bell schedule) that you guys were waiting that long outside in the SAC. M'bad!!

    3. Deanna: I applaud you for posting your first comment. Hurray!! Now you can't be shy online anymore. Keep at it!!

    4. Everyone: check out this link on Wikipedia about the "gramaphone record". A good read, and very relevant to what's being covered by Dai Griffith in the 33 1/3 book "OK Computer":

  5. The media artist(Mr. Hoban) was cutting out a picture from a Boz Scaggs record cover (Silk Degrees). Specifically, he cut out the picture of a bench. He used this to expand a already present cut out of the same record cover. He did this while 80s music was playing. Also, in the room's center a revolving deformed record/paint tray was on the record player.

    Here is a link to the photo:

  6. Ryan--So what if I cut out the cover? Why? Share with us online readers what we discussed...what you think.

    Oh...and nice link to the album cover! Thanks. You (and your classmates) should check out the link I provided on my first comment up above.

  7. When I walked into class there was a record with bumps on it and it was sprinning on the record player but there was no noise. Mr. Hoben was carving something into the record cover with an exacto knife. He was tracing the design on the cover and cutting out the bench on the cover of the record to make his own picture. Then we found out that the record that hah bumps in it is a paint palet.

  8. When we entered the class the activity was to write about what the media artist was doing. We witnessed Mr. Hoban cut out a bench by use of an exacto knife from Boz Scaggs "Silk Degrees" album. While we watched this Mr. Hoban's serius/XM satellite radio was playing on the '80's channel. Also on his record player appeared to be this weirdly shaped record that had holes and such in them. It turns out that it was a painter's canvas and the holes were the areas in which a painter places paint. By the way Mr. Hoban was cutting out these items and puttuing them on the wall. From left to right to things he put on the wall were a picture of Boz smirking with his head down and to the left. In this same frame was appeared to be a sailboat in the distance, a female's shoe and her hand with painted nails on the edge of the bench. To the right were two cut out benches with no one on it and then a bench with just the same exact picture of the female and Boz was cropped out. We were asked to interpret what this possibly could be showing. Some said that Boz left the girl while Mr. Hoban explicitly said that "Boz and the girl too hot for TV." This ended our class.

  9. Coming into the class we were presented a project to take note of what the media artist was doing. The media artist, known as Mr. Hoban, was finding ways to make forms of media into his own work of art. One way was a morphed record. It sat upon the record player to look like a cool center piece. In reality this record, flipped over, is a paint pallet. Another form media art exploration used, was taking a record case and cutting a bench out. After cutting several back benches out the front record case, the cutouts, and the back were lined up to make a long unique bench of art that is hanging over the door. Afterwords we talked about different interpretations of covers, music, and any art form and how they change based on the viewer.

  10. When i walked into class the record player was on but there was no music playing and a weird rubber object on the top of the player. Mr. Hoban was carving out a bench from an old record album to connect it with the rest of the bench on the top of the door. While doing that Mr. Hoban was listenng to music from the "fish" radio, mouthing the words and dancing. We then talked about how captivating the album covers are suppose to be to catch the eye of the buyers.

  11. Today in class wen i walked in I saw a very oddly shaped record spinning but not playing on the record player. Mr. Hoban then went outside and did the same hing to another disk while we took note on what he was doing. then Mr. Hoban explaine how media can be chaged and the many forms media can take ( a.k.a the disk)

  12. When I saw the record in the middle of the room I was really confused. I thought it was just messed around with for fun and the appearance. I was surprised when it was flipped over to see that it was created with some sort of intention of making it into a useful object.

  13. In today's class I saw a a deformed disk spinning on that machine. There were different shapes on that disk and looked like a 3D landscape with a mountain at first. Then, when Mr.Hoban turned it over, I saw that it was a palette that could stand on its own. It was very creative. Do I automatically get a 93 for the marking period?

  14. When I saw the record in the middle of the classroom I was confused. I was not sure why there was a destroyed record spinning on the record player. Then when I saw Mr. Hoban doing some weird thing outside the window I caught on and realized he was creating something similar to the record in the middle of the room, but I still was not sure why. When Mr. Hoban flipped the record over and showed us that it was a paint pallet I realized how he was making media into his own art.

  15. The King of Media created media art by cutting pieces of an album. He used a pair of scissors and a cutting knife to expertly remove a reaccuring image on the album. He cut out and sculpted the green bench to continue the bench image outside of the album front cover and back cover. There were four pieces of the bench connected in the final product. It was posted above the door to enter the classroom and bring meadia arts to the students. During the creation of the art, a radio( shaped as duck ) was plying to counter the silence of the artist. During his silence, he pointed at an assignment on the board. It kept us stendents busy for a few minutes. There was also a "record" spinning on a record player in the middle of the room. The artist later revealed to us that it was really converted to a paint pallet as another piece of media art.

  16. Today, The king of Media Arts decided to preform a morning show. The Media King(Mr. Hoban, not elvis)did many things in which we had to record today. The first thing that happened was that we saw a Vinil record that was melted/configured into the shape of a paint pallet( which was not revealed until the end of the show)spinning on a record player that was spinning at about 33 1/2 speed. Next, The Media King decided to turn on the "sony music player"( not the DUCK) that happened to double as a raido. The raido station of choice was none other than.. The Rocking/Big 80's! The first song that was playing, The Media King knew quite well and began to whistle and hum to the same tune. I however did not know the song. While the music was playing, The Media King decided to use a scaple to cut out a bench with (what appeared to be a womans appendages) on it. During the meticlous scapling that The Media King was doing. the raido played two more songs. The first song was "starlight" and the second one was "Walk like an Egyptian" which dont ask me how but I know it. Once thease two last songs and played, The Media King was just about done with the bench cutout from the Boz Scaggs Record (Album was Silk Degrees)When He sized the cutout next to the previous one from before. The Media King was unpleased and sat back down to resize the fegure using the prior one as a stencil. Once Satisfied, The Media King yanked up Eddy Scanlan to hold a (Apple Mega Mouse)box with colourful thumbtacks inside of it. Once the Media King was finished, he stood back sipped his size "20" Wawa coffee(unlike the usual Coffee Zone cup he gets) and shifted through various spots in the room for a better prespective of the "ART" that was just created. The Meda King then turned off the raido and began to talk( for the first time) while looking inside of a Princeton Record Exchange bag. The Media King then reviled to us that the obscure looking record was actualy an upside-down paint pallet with 7 spots for paint and one spot for holding it. As we can tell from The Media Kings actions, there are many types of art. Art such as music(raido), pictionary(the bench cutout), physical/sculpting(paint pallet)and the art of persuasion, mystery and suspence (we were all feeling this while we were not able to talk.) Yes Mr. Hoban this is very long but is in fair detail and under my vision correct.

  17. The following post is from Mike "I Can't Get On The Blog" Champion:

    today in class the "media artist" had manipulated a vinyl disk and it was spinning around on a vinyl player as i asked what that was he didn't say a word but instead started stripping. he started taking off his shoes and socks and put on a pair of sandals he then walked in to the back corner of the room still not saying a word and grabbed a mask and goggles and then came back and grabbed another vinyl from a pile in the middle of the room. he then went outside and began heating the disk with some sort of heat gun. this made the vinyl pliable so the media artist could change the shape thus showing the class how he had made the one that was still spinning in the middle of the class. then he came back in and started complaining about how his feet were cold. and he put his shoes back on the we started talking about how media can be changed in more way than one. after the class talked for about a min the artist flipped over the spinning vinyl disk

  18. This is a test. Mr. Hoban is typing this right now!!!
