Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Week of February 8th

Good going to those students who joined the conversation on the first blog posting this weekend. Everyone should be signed up and ready to "report for duty" at least once a day to check any new posts on this site.

We'll continue to explore the "radio play" as the art form of choice/necessity in the early days of broadcast radio. We listened to examples of early radio shows including The Mercury Theater's production of "War of the Worlds". We'll take a closer look at this famous radio show by listening to another current day radio program called Radiolab and their investigation of this landmark program. We'll be "tuning into" Radiolab's broadcast (through the magic of Internet archiving!) here. Prepare to take notes as we listen to a portion of this program in tomorrow's class.

-Mr. Hoban

1 comment:

  1. this narrative piece allowed me to g a picture in my head of the scene they we talking about because of the items, dialogue and everyday activitis they talked about .
