Saturday, February 13, 2010

Onward and Upward

Dear Media Arts Students:

The recent accumulation of snow (and days off from school!) leads me to take the following drastic step: we must leave our exploration of LIVE broadcast entertainment and delve into the world of RECORDED SOUND for the media masses. We will begin our journey on Tuesday when we all return from such an unexpected SIX DAY WEEKEND!!! Iiiii Yiiii Yiii!!!

I mentioned in class last week that everyone should purchase a book from the bookstore called "33 1/3 OK Computer". Here is a link for that title, to give you an idea of what the book is about and what we will soon be covering (more on this later.) I recommend everyone purchase this book and begin reading Chapter One. Details will follow.

Also, regarding my " challenge" of finding the monument to the "Martian Landing" somewhere in Grovers Mill, New Jersey--only one student thus far has taken me up on my offer. Congratulations to Alex Shay (pictured below.) He gets his Hoagie Haven sandwich to order at some date in the very near future. Anyone else up for the challenge? Get movin'!!

See you next week.

-Mr. Hoban

The first student to find the Martian Landing Monument!!


  1. following up from class:

    Media arts is a very unique class because of the way it is taught. for example,In English class today, I was lectured on the difference between structured and unstructured poetry. The class was supposed to take notes in order to learn about the difference between the two. The only movement in class today were the repetitive movements of pencil on paper. In media arts, the class began quit the opposite of my English class. This began with playing the drums with pens, and Mr. Hoban trying to sing a song that I couldn't make a title for in a million years. After which our class had to pick two of Mr. Hoban's favorite songs out of about 36 records, not easy. It took our class a while but we finally understood what to look for to find the songs. unlike geometry, where there is only one right way of thinking, Media has many different attributes that make you assess your surroundings and making a guess. In class, someone noticed there was more than one copy of an album which turned out to be very important information, which I would usually disregard. Like I said before, Media Arts is very unique.

  2. so im commenting . nice picture Shay !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
