Monday, May 10, 2010

Alex Vukasin: This Post's For You!!

Based on our discussion in class today, work on the homework assignment (newspaper article for the 'closet incident') using this web link as a guide to your writing. Good luck. Email me your work if done by a reasonable hour tonight, or else I'll review it with you tomorrow. Good luck, Alex!

-Mr. Hoban


  1. "Lights Out in Media Sparks Ideas in Students"
    By: Isaiah West

    Friday, May 7, 2010 in Princeton New Jersey, a media teacher uses a unique mechanism to teach his students. Mr. Marty Hoban, the media and video teacher at the Hun School used this specific mechanism in his period 8 Media class.
    In his absence one day during the week, students proceeded to take out the florescent light bulbs and hide them about the room. The culprits of these actions choose to be unnamed. The following afternoon Mr Hoban proceeds in finding out just what happened in that media class yesterday. He does this by setting up to interview the students however the students are unaware that it will be a hoax. The teacher plays a fake voicemail left by someone who worked at the school that came to inspect his light issues. The voicemail stated "unfortunately John fell off the ladder while trying to fix the light and is in the Princeton medical center...please forward the names of the culprits and we will take affirmative action." Instant fear was put into the eyes of the students and their games of proceeding to not tell the truth looked towards a rather grim ending. One student said "It was my idea, but I did not intend for that to happen." While another stated the events were "unfortunate and that we must suffer whatever the consequences must be."
    But being the intelligent and philosophical teacher that Marty is, he made the delightful prank into a perfect learning situation.
    No one knew what was about to happen when they walked into their eighth period class on Friday. The teacher led his students into a closet in his media room. In the students eyes the setup was rather bizarre and peculiar. There was no lights, there were eleven other people in the dark with them and they were being recorded on camera because Mr Hoban said "after that event I can no longer trust you all." Mr Hoban began his rather interesting lesson by talking about the lack of lighting in the closet. He said that since my students took the lights out for a prank why not have them learn with the lights out. He went on to talk to his students about theoreticians about media and lights in a book entitled "Understanding Media." All of his students then saw the bigger picture and realized that despite a prank there still can be knowledge gained.

  2. Oh snap!! Here I am reading this as if Alex Vukasin wrote it...only to be bowled over by the fact that ISAIAH WEST WROTE IT!! Nice work, dude! Fist pumps all around!!!!

    And to answer Whelan's comment: because a) he thought he had to or b) he wanted to in either case---good work, Isaiah. Fist pumps all arrr....(dang I already said that!!)

    -Mr. Hoban
