Friday, May 14, 2010

Caroline's Glee Blog (Guest Blogger--Caroline Campbell)

I love watching TV, and my favorite TV show is Glee. Glee is about a group of teenagers in high school. Most of them are not very popular, but they all have one thing in common: they can sing. So one of the Spanish teachers at the school in Lima, Ohio, Mr. Schuester, takes over the glee club at the school, where the students can come and sing together. Glee club used to be popular at the school, but after time it became known as something only the outcasts and losers do. So when Will Schuester takes it over he tries to change it back into the popular club it was before.

The show is a good mixture of drama, comedy, and singing. All of the characters have specific personalities. Rachel is the lead girl singer, and Finn is the lead male singer. The other people in the glee club are Puck, Kurt, Quinn, Mercedes, Santana, Brittany, Artie, Tina, and Mike. The students in glee club are typical high school students, so there is a lot of drama going on. There are many relationships between the people in the glee club, and there are also a lot of problems with the cheerleading coach at the school, Sue Sylvester. She tries to do whatever she can to ruin the glee club forever. The show has been a big hit, with millions of viewers each week.

This is a video showing the commercial for season two of Glee.

Write a comment saying your favorite TV show or who your favorite character on Glee is if you watch it. Thanks for reading my blog
Caroline Campbell


  1. Honestly, I don't care for shows like this, but this post really reeled me in hook, line, and sinker. I even went to watch a recording of an episode that my sister has. Caroline makes this post seem very appealing because the people in the show are actually peers of us-in a sense.

    P.S.-Santana, Artie, and Tina links are not working.

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  4. I do not lke this show either. Although, you did set up your post well. The first picture is an effective attention-getter and even though I know what Glee is, it made me wonder what this post is about. You also gave a good background on what Glee is by giving basic information, but just enough to get your audience thinking about the story.

  5. Very nice comments from Eddy and Nick. Thanks, gents! Caroline's "blog" is the only one officially posted, since it is the only one officially done!! Good job, Caroline. Let's see what the rest of the media artists come up with on Monday. Get crackin'!!

    -Mr. Hoban

  6. I agree with the boys that the visuals were very good and well used.

    To answer the question at the end of the blog my favorite tv show is lost which is on the same time as glee. Therefore, I'm not a regular watcher of glee. I've seen a few parts/shows either cause lost wasn't on or it was during a commercial.

  7. I don't watch Glee, but my mom and sisters are somewhat addicted to the show. They DVR every episode and my sisters have the songs on their iPods. My favorite show is/was the Chappelle Show because the show was rediculously funny.

  8. Ryan: "ridiculously"...and I agree. It was/is ridiculously funny.

  9. i watch glee from time to time but i am not a huge fan! but my favorite character is sue sylvester she cracks me up!!! but my favorite show is probably Keeping up with the Kardashions!!

  10. Lauren--your stock in my class is dropping FAST!!! How could you like that Kardashian garbage?!!!

  11. I am sorry to say that I don not( or have I ever) watched glee. My favorite show is family guy and my second favorite is south park. My favorite character from family guy is quagmire because he's hilarious, and my favorite character from south park is Eric Cartemen because he does the most outrageous things.
