Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Next Blog Assignment for Section 3, Intro to Media Arts

Dear Students:

As part of this week's grade for your Intro to Media Arts course you will create and publish a Media Arts Blog Entry, much like all of the ones I posted this semester. You will pick a topic of choice/interest that is related in some way to the study of media arts.

For instance, Alex Vukasin has an interest (which quite frankly confounds me) in professional hockey. He may choose to research the early days of "The Great One". And if you don't know who "The Great One" is, you should have already clicked on the link above!! (hah.)

Commercial break: this is a video we watched in class:

Anyway, Alex may be searching for images or videos as well as web sites that focus on the high school career of "The Great One". Then he will write up a short blog complete with media elements, including links, pictures and videos.

For more information on this assignment, please ask about it during our next class.

Thank you.

Mr. Hoban
(not "The Great One")


  1. Mr. Hoban i forget, how do i post a blog with my gmail account, or do i have to use yours?

  2. That will happen during class time using my account.

    -Mr. Hoban
