Friday, May 28, 2010

One Week To Go!!!

Dear Media Artists:

Firstly, we have Eddy Scanlan to thank for this embedded video below. Check it out. It's a good one, Eddy! Could you please comment on why you called this video up at the end of the class on Friday? (I have a feeling why you did so, but I want you to tell us what relevance it has with what we were doing in class.)

From "All Creative Work Is Derivative"

Secondly, please post your continuing thoughts on what your final week's project will be. I will now list what was agreed upon during Friday's class. Remember: YOU MUST BRING ALL MATERIALS (SUPPLIES/TOOLS/ETC.) THAT YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLETE THIS IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT--ON YOUR OWN!!!

Cadet--straw art
Campbell--records on ceiling tile
Guns--Boston Logo
Kotler--mixed media ceiling tile
Scanlan--name with videotape
Shay--ceiling tile on ceiling tile
Washington--flipbook (and 3 page paper entitled "Mr. Hoban: You're A Fool")
Whelan--stop motion animation

I would like to see each of you post multiple comments over the course of the three day weekend. Comment on other people's posts. Add new ideas to your own. Remember: comment writing is 30% of your marking period grade!!

And thirdly, a link to the movie review of "Picasso and Braque Go To The Movies", (a copy of which was handed out in today's class but some of you conveniently left the article behind) and the supporting video we screened in class:

Have a safe weekend!!

-Mr. Hoban


  1. I brought the "All Creative Work Is Derivative" video up because it is similiar to the video we watched in class and similiar to what I want to base my project on. It is over 600 pictures put together into 120 seconds of entertainment.

    I want to do somthing similiar to the film but on a smaller scale. On a white backround, I want to "write" my name in cursive with the film from the VCR. As I "write" it, I'll take pictures. My goal is to make my name look like it is being written with ink with the ink leading itself in a video with the pictures put together.

    For Hoban,
    May I please use a camera?

    I also found another really cool video:

  2. Also, for anyone that knows the answer to this question, could you answer it?
    What website did Hoban tell us about that we could download YouTube videos so we could save and edit them?

  3. Eddy,

    Mr. Hoban: I'm not on the list. No project for me??

    I'm gonna do a Survivor Intro using people/scenes from Lost. That's all I got so far. I'll let you know what else I think of for it.

  4. That video was interesting. Mr. Hoban I'm going to make my project up as I go along.

  5. @Ross: you would
    @Vari: m'bad. Yes, do your survivor mash up

  6. Another blog post pertaining to how media catches the eye. I will focus my new post solely on one topic and I will get very interesting examples

  7. also, I could make a blog post pertaining to all of the projects i did this year.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I might do a blog with videos about spray painting across the world or I might do something with either young notarized athletes or international basketball.

  10. I still want to make some kind of pop out art? i actually have an idea where i can trace the same patterns on multiple pieces of paper then color them w/ different color patterns?


  11. okay I have a different idea of making an animated cartoon flip book

  12. @Lauren--so...don't keep us in suspense. Write about what you're thinking!

    -Mr. Hoban

  13. @Isaiah--what are "young notarized athletes"? Describe...

  14. Haven't come up with any new things to add to my idea but I did search for some footage and I did sota start editing (maybe 3 seconds finished so far). I'll see if my video works on your computers.

  15. I will start the sketch of the album on the tile tommorow. Eddy, that is a cool video, but i have seen it before. Ryan, I like your method.

  16. okay so i am going to sketch a "retro" pattern on about 6 - 8 different sheets of paper then color them with a specific color pattern.

  17. My Project is going to consist of abstract art and ceiling tiles. First I am going to cut up one ceiling tile and then sculpt something out of it and place it on the other originally shaped ceiling tile. The idea of the project is so that the original ceiling tile can be fitted back into the ceiling and still hold my sculpture along with it.
