Monday, May 17, 2010

How To Make A Hit Video (Guest Blogger: Harrison Whelan)

Here is how to come up with good video ideas and how to create good videos.
Usually you will start off brainstorming for new ideas, and this usually happens when you are in a quiet place. My favorite places consist of a park, an empty bedroom, or a in a classroom.

If you are with a friend then the brainstorming will be much easier, since you both can come up with thoughts at the same time and piece them together. Make sure you are with a creative partner though; you don’t want your ideas being bland and boring. Another tip is to write down every possible idea so then in the future; it can be expanded and hopefully written into a script. When coming up with video ideas think realistically. If you have an idea that seems out of budget for your own situation then don’t do it. There’s nothing worse than being stuck with all this filmed material and have it being trashed because you cant finish it because of your budget.
Another tip when you’re finished shooting is to have a good editing software and good knowledge of said editing software. The pros use a program called Final Cut Pro. If you cant afford this (it is pricy) then you should get Final Cut Express. It is less expensive but has less effects and options than FCP.
Here is a video tutorial about the basics of FCE.

Here is a link to the Apple website.

Another situation one has to deal with is writers block. Which is basically when you can’t come up with any good ideas. A quick solution to this (I have found to be very successful) is to just have something to eat, watch some TV, and talk to yourself a lot. I know talking to yourself may sound weird but it really helps keep the mind going and sometimes helps good ideas flow.

I hope these tips have been helpful and good luck on creating a great video!


  1. I do not know what to say while commenting on this post but cool.

  2. It's neat to see hear how the start of a video is made. I've never really planned out scripts since most of my videos aren't movies they're more of events that happened. Not much planning going into those.

  3. I don't know what to say either, but thanks for showing me how to use Final Cut

  4. Yeah, I have never used finla cut but I think I will try now that you have showed me

  5. Here's my little pitch: take Video I at The Hun School of Princeton next year and learn how to make AWARD WINNING movies!!!!

    -Mr. Hoba
