Friday, May 14, 2010

Music Mentality and Motion (Guest Blogger: Nick Guns)

Nicholas Guns

Enjoying music is a part of people’s lives all around the world. It has been vital to culture since the beginning of human settlement as ingenious people constructed the first bone flutes, animal hide drums, and primitive maracas. Music’s development over thousands of years as produced great artists as well as great instruments, and styles. Such creation is a new kind of invention; not for work, but for expression. As people look back on the greatest musical artists in history they envision people like Ludwig Van Beethoven, George Harrison, and Tupac. However, could they ever imagine creating art themselves? Learning how to play an instrument and musical abilities could make anyone the next star, but do they have the guts to try it?

Music is defined as sound organized over time. Simple, it seems but is there more? This is a great question many have asked themselves but only few answer. People need to explore the vast realm of which could be their song and if they play it on a guitar, on the court, on their desk, or in their head during algebra class. To really answer these great questions and to truly feel self expressed, music is the only way to go. Just think, how you could change and opinion, or even the world with a single note, rhyme, or line. So yell the song of you, and feel how it feels. Express yourself in music, so you can pass the time. Music is a form of expression, and it is up to you to make an impression.

Small Assignment: 1) Think of the music that inspires you the most. Describe this music and tell why it interests you. Is it the lyrics? Instruments? Beats? etc. 2) Do you agree with my definition of music or is there "more" to it? Make an arguement and explain why you believe so.


  1. The music that inspires me is anything with good instruments/beats and clever or meaningful lyrics. My definition of music is an art that is expressed through any form of sound.

  2. Personally I like Hardstyle and it has words in it only 50% of the time. Even when it does have words, they usually don't mean much to me. I feel that the sound of music and the beat to it is the best part of music.

    I also think that there is more to music. I can connect any song to a specific in general (such as a feeling-mad, angry, sad, and/or happy for example, or to a place or time in my life such as adolescence or specific event).

    As for your "more" link-I feel that music can make a connection between you and another person/other people, too. I personally have a friend from my previous years of schooling that likes the same music as me, and to this day, over 10 years later, we are still best friends and hang out daily. That, I feel, is a perfect example of a real connection with a person and how music connects us even further.

  3. First, I really liked that for some of your links I couldn't guess what you linked to them (such as "enjoying music" and "more"

    As for your question the music I listen to from day to day is just based on beats and if it's appealing to my ears. Occasionally I'll listen to songs before sports. These songs are normally fast paced and have at least one inspirational (at least for getting pumped) line.

  4. Nice Job, Guns! I like your blog. You got your classmates thinking...and replying with great posts. I really like Eddy's comments about keeping connected through music with friends. Good stuff!!

  5. The music that inspires me a lot is alternative/screamo beccause sometimes when I just feel bad and I want to scream or something like that, I can let the siong do that for me. especially cuz I donnot talk that much in general, music allows me to express myself.
    I believe music can be any sound, organized or disorganized, that brings joy to people.
