Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This Post's For You (unfortunately it's after 10 pm...how many of you will be up to read it?)

I've had some fun tonight going through the interactive map of today's Front Pages on the Newseum's website. What a great resource, I can't get over it. Seriously! (Please...stop with the snide remarks you're currently making!)

I was poking around, trying to determine how many newspapers across this great land of ours covered a front page mention of the Kent State Shootings. The answer: not many. Indeed, it was slim pickins as I searched most of the dots on the map. Then I decided to check "the biggies" only: Boston Globe, Miami Herald, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and finally USA Today. Only on this last entry did I find a story on the front page. Check it out here, complete with a video narrated by one of the survivors of that day.

Interestingly though, I found one more front page story from a newspaper published in the vicinity of Washington D.C. It made for an interesting read and I wondered about who the publisher was as I read on. A little lesson in "don't believe everything you read" is evident as you read between the lines of the story (and then by performing a little online investigation on the background of this particular newspaper.) What can you find out about it? Why does it matter? Anyway, here's another picture to build up the visual content on our blog:


  1. This article is very questionable because it contains unknown sources, For example, the "evidence" of the riot being planned sounds like a rumor being passed around. The Washington Times in a heavily Conservative newspaper that was created in 1982 to contrast with the liberal Washington Post. Ronald Reagan was a regular reader of the newspaper. Also, I found it interesting that the founder of the newspaper claimed to be the second coming of Christ.

  2. okay. so i found out from the Washington Times that their is new evidence that there may have been more than one gunshots fired at the national guards before the four people were killed (13 seconds of shooting).


  3. Good job, you two! Dear me!! What tiime do you kids go to bed?!!

  4. I found out that the Washington Times is a very stubborn newspaper that shows biased ideals.

  5. It seems unreliable to take a position by one story that may or may not be true. Just like Washington Times stated, hundreds of new stories suddenly appeared on the anniversary. How can they tell which ones are true or false? The owner (Sun Myung Moon) and others who comment about the newspaper claimed that it had influenced the world and that god had used it personally to defeat dictatorships.

