Friday, May 21, 2010

Technology Innovation (Guest Blogger: Alex Shay)

The innovation of technology spans from the beginning of time to an undefined end. Technology started in its simplest such as the wheel, the wheel, has given us so much innovation through products such as the car, train, plane and bicycle. An electrical invention such as the radio was very complex for it’s time. The radio can be compared to the Apple iPhone. Obviously there is a profound difference between the radio and the iphone. But innovation of technology has allowed us to grab technology from the early 19th century and late 20th century to unite as one in the early 21century. By this I mean, the radio, television/film, telephone and record player have all been placed into an advanced system that can now fit in your pocket. The iPhone can play your favorite music while you are talking to you friend and looking up dinner reservations and buying movie tickets all at the same time all in the palm of your hand. This was considered completely impossible until the idea was sparked by interest and collaborative ideas. Sometimes we are limited to innovate by the technology of our time. The iPhone could not have been made in the 19th century because there was not enough technology to make it at the time. For example, teleportation seams impossible now but can be possible in the future. This is the same view point that people in the 19th and 20th century had at their time.

So my question is... What is your favorite apple product and when did you get it?


  1. My favorite apple product is I tunes. It is my favorite because i can get the music I want with it and i dont have to buy a whole cd. I got I tunes as soon as the first couple i pods types came about.

  2. I actually only use apple for iTunes. I don't have any other product by them. I got iTunes when the frist few iPods came out. Then every ~1 1/2 years my iPods (and upgraded iPods) broke so I now just put the iTunes music onto my phone (a verizon dare).

    Although I don't have it I think the apps for the iPhone/iPad are really neat.

  3. I have the oldest version of the iPhone and I got it in 6th grade. I broke it once, but I still have the same version because Apple wouldn't pay for an upgrade.

  4. The I-Touch because it can do just about anything like take pictures, watch movies an tv shows, listen to music,games,etc. I got it last Christmas.

  5. I have an I pod touch and I got it for Chrismas last year and I love to watch movies and tv showson it during long car rides.

  6. I have a "Shuffle"--an iPod without the screen. I have an iTouch--an iPhone without the annoying monthly fees. And I have a Macintosh SE I use for a doorstop.

    -Mr. Hoban
